Telegram Limits

Why limitations exist

Just like any other service, Telegram uses limits to ensure that users follow Fair Usage Policy and to keep the service running.

This table lists the currently known Telegram limits and is being kept up to date.

Username (e.g. @cameraman)
5 to 32 characters, starting from 4 characters for NFT usernames
up to 70 characters
up to 140 characters
First Name length
from 1 to 64 characters
Last Name length
from 0 to 64 characters
Self-destruction period if no activity
1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 months (18 months by default)
Spam ban
from 1 day up to forever
from 1 second up to forever
Channels and supergroups number you can be member of
up to 500 (including ones you own)
up to 1000 (including ones you own)
Saved GIFs number
up to 200
up to 400
Video-avatar duration
up to 10 seconds
Group and channel creation
up to 50 in a day
Accounts number (official clients)
up to 3
up to 4-6 (depends on app)
Visible messages number (shared limit between private chats, bots and legacy groups)
unlimited; before 2018 year - up to 1,000,000 visible messages: see
Sticker packs per account
up to 200
Emoji packs per account
up to 200
Minimum username ownership for auction
14 days
Chats and groups
Participants (limit can be raised)
up to 200,000 but unlimited in Broadcast Groups
Number of admins in groups
up to 50
Number of bots in groups
up to 20
Pinned chats in main list
up to 5 chats or channels + 5 secret chats
up to 10 chats or channels
Group name and description
up to 255 characters
Message editing
in 48 hours after sending; unlimited in Saved and for admins with pinning rights
Photo and video self-destruction
1 to 60 seconds
Recent actions (subscriptions, posts, etc.)
last two days
Mentions number in a single message
up to 50, only first 5 from list will receive notification
Visible messages number in group
1,000,000 last messages
Pinned messages number
Number of members to see statistics
at least 500
Username change reservation (time before username will be available for everyone, not just the original owner)
about 15-30 minutes
Group-promoted stickers
groups with 100+ participants
Admin role length
up to 16 characters
Chat title length
up to 128 characters
Converting a supergroup to broadcast group
for chats with 199,000+ members
Read receipts lifetime
up to 7 days since message was sent
Read receipts availability
for chats with 100 members or less, the list of users is only available for the user who sent the message
Visible users in topic group
up to 100
Topics per group
up to 1,000,000
Topic title length
up to 128 characters
Pinned topics
up to 5
Voice & Video Chats
Audio Chat listeners
Broadcasting video (camera, screen casting)
up to 30 broadcasting users simultaneously
Video broadcast viewers
officially it's stated to be unlimited, in practice, the stream becomes unstable at about 2,000 simultaneous viewers
Voice chat title length
up to 40 characters
Scheduled chats
up to 7 days ahead
Public usernames number for a single account
up to 10 (including groups)
up to 20 (including groups)
Length of @username
5 to 32 characters
Channel name and description
up to 255 characters
Channel admins number (including bots; you can add a bot to your channel only by making it an admin)
up to 50 accounts
Posts editing
unlimited (if the channel has a discussion group linked, posts older than 2 weeks won't be updated in the chat)
Channel subscribers number
Visible subscribers for channel admin
200 people
Channel deletion
channels with more than 1K subscribers can be deleted only with Telegram support
Viewing private channels without joining (for channels with 200+ subscribers)
up to 5 minutes once a day
Inviting users
up to 200 people
Number of subscribers to see statistics
at least 50
Username change reservation (time before username will be available for everyone, not just the original owner)
about 15-30 minutes
One message length
up to 4,096 characters
Media captions
up to 1,024 characters
up to 2,048 characters
File size limit
up to 2 GB
up to 4 GB
File name length
up to 60 characters, others will be trimmed out
Video message duration
up to 1 minute
Images and videos in single message (album)
up to 10 items
Scheduled messages number
up to 100 items (per each chat)
Schedule range
up to 365 days
Custom emoji per message without Telegram Premium, custom emoji can be sent only to Saved Messages, more than 100 custom emoji are replaced with the corresponding standard emoji
not available
up to 100 emoji
Links per message
up to 100 links
Poll question length
1 to 255 characters
Quiz question length
1 to 200 characters
Poll options count
2 to 10
Poll option length
1 to 100 characters
Folder name length
up to 12 characters
Folders amount
up to 10 folders
up to 30 folders
Chats per folder Does not include chats added to the folder by their type (e.g. Channels). Includes chats added to the Exceptions section.
up to 100 chats
up to 200 chats
Pinned chats in a folder
up to 100 chats
up to 200 chats
Public Folders
Number of public folders
up to 2 folders
up to 20 folders
Chats/channels per public folder
up to 100 items
up to 200 items
Bots number (created by @BotFather)
up to 20 items
up to 40 items
Length of @username for bots
5 to 32 characters
Bot info length (/setabouttext)
up to 120 characters
Bot description length
up to 512 characters
File upload limit without local Bot API server
up to 50 MB
File upload limit with local Bot API server
up to 2000 MB
File download limit without local Bot API server
up to 20 MB
File download limit with local Bot API server
up to 2000 MB
Keyboard buttons number
up to 100 entities
Message markup data e.g. inline buttons
up to 10 KB
Formatting entities (bold, cursive etc.)
up to 100 items
Message sending frequency in any chat
up to roughly one message per second, except maybe short bursts
Message sending frequency in group chats
up to 20 messages per minute in the same chat
Message broadcasting frequency only applies when actively sending notifications to otherwise inactive chats
up to 30 messages per second across chats
API requests frequency
up to about 30 requests per second
Commands amount (in BotFather)
0 to 100 commands
Command length (in BotFather)
from 1 to 32 characters
Command description length
up to 256 characters, must be non-empty when set via Bot API
Bot /start payload length used in deep linking
up to 64 bytes
Bot alert message length
up to 200 characters
Inline results number
up to 50 items per page
Story availability countries where stories are available without Telegram Premium
Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Iraq, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, USA, Vietnam
Story lifetime
24 hours
6/12/24/48 hours
Story duration
up to 60 seconds
Viewers visibility
24 hours
Daily stories limit
up to 2 stories
up to 100 stories
Weekly stories limit
up to 5 stories
up to 700 stories
Monthly stories limit
up to 20 stories
up to 3,000 stories
Text length in story
up to 200 characters
up to 2,048 characters
Incognito usage frequency
not available
once per 3 hour
Incognito duration (all views for the last 5 minutes before the mode is turned on disappear, and views for 25 minutes after it is turned on are not recorded)
not available
30 minutes
Minimal query length for global search
at least 4 characters
Username resolve limit (for both bots and user accounts)
up to 200 usernames daily
Added packs number
up to 200 items
Favorite stickers number
up to 5 items
up to 10 items
Stickers in a pack number
up to 120 for static, up to 50 for animated
Sticker size
one side equal to 512px, the other side 512px or less; strictly 512x512 for animated
Animation duration
up to 3 seconds
Sticker file size
up to 512 KB for static, up to 64 KB for animated
either 30 or 60
Pack name length
up to 64 characters
Pack /addstickers url length
up to 62 characters
Emojis per pack
up to 200
Accounts number in @telegraph bot
up to 5 items
Article size
up to 64 KiB
Video avatar properties
800x800px, up to 2 MB
Photo resolution when sent with compression
each side should be less or equal to 1280px, else it will be downscaled so the biggest side will be 1280px